About Joshua Rogers: Joshua Rogers is an American gospel singer who rose to prominence in 2012 when he became the first male and youngest winner of BET's Sunday Best during the show's fifth season.
Creativity doesn’t come from glancing quickly at your Twitter feed while in line at Starbucks. It comes from deep thought. It comes from voraciously reading books—long books that require focused attention. It comes from meaningful discourse with ...
Reading is a time machine that allows you to acquire wisdom from the past and to analyze and imagine another person’s vision of the future.
Reading books is a way for you to communicate with and learn from the best thinkers that are writing today and that have ever lived.
The art of investing is not about figuring out what has already happened. It’s about anticipating the futureand creating the future that others will read about in The Wall Street Journal.
In order to create something new, to invent a new product or idea, you need to anticipate where things are headed. That requires a mixture of certain habits of mind. You need to foster imagination, thoroughly understand the origins of past ideas, lea...