About José LuÃÂs Peixoto: José Luís Peixoto is a Portuguese novelist and poet.
fico admirado quando alguém, por acaso e quase sempre sem motivo, me diz que não sabe o que é o amor. eu sei exactamente o que é o amor. o amor é saber que existe uma parte de nós que deixou de nos pertencer. o amor é saber que vamos perdoar t...
one day, when tenderness has become the single rule of the morning,/ I will wake in your arms. perhaps your skin will be overly gorgeous./ and the light will include the impossible understanding of love.
the poem doesn’t have stanzas, it has a body, the poem doesn’t have lines,/ it has blood, the poem is not written with letters, it’s written/ with grains of sand and kisses, petals and moments, shouts and/ uncertainties.
Nostalgia por saber que muito provavelmente nunca mais regressaria ali. Esta constatação confrontava-me com os limites da minha própria existência, com aquilo que não terei tempo de fazer ou voltar a fazer ao longo do resto da minha vida.
Memory is like a curse. We fall into eternity, and memory is a weight that keeps pulling us to where we can never go back to.
I think: perhaps the sky is a huge sea of fresh water and we, instead of walking under it, walk on top of it; perhaps we see everything upside down and the earth is a kind of sky, so that when we die, when we die, we fall and sink into the sky.
Suffering is tossed by handfuls over the multitudes, with most of it falling on some people and little or none of it on others.
I think: perhaps the sky is a huge sea of fresh water and we, instead of walking under it, walk on top of it; perhaps we see everything upside down and the earth is a kind of sky, so that when we die, when we die, we fall and sink into the sky. The I...
na hora de pôr a mesa, éramos cinco: o meu pai, a minha mãe, as minhas irmãs e eu. depois, a minha irmã mais velha casou-se. depois, a minha irmã mais nova casou-se. depois, o meu pai morreu. hoje, na hora de pôr a mesa, somos cinco, menos a m...