My son's got the I.Q. Of a robot but I don't have the dough to send him to school.
I met a few chimpanzees on my pilgrimages and I wasn't sure if they were just shrivelled-up villagers or chimps...
I recall when this place was a good 'n honest community hall with a great sense of place and pride but now it's just a hall and fuck the community.
The circus is the perfect business right now because parents want their kids to be kids and not Charley Bucket drinking cabbage soup all day.
Sometimes I regret going into that public toilet with your father.’ ‘Then practice safe sex, Mama!!’ ‘We were! There was a fight in the bar and we took cover in the public toilets!!
I wish this country was run by children
Yes, Cabbage: prison diplomacy. It’s called offering the newcomer a very warm welcome. You can tell Mares that I made lots of friends at two in the morning on the first night and continued making friends in the back of the laundry room and if I did...
Father has a fear of flying since that aeroplane crashed into his bedroom.