The sun was a toddler insistently refusing to go to bed.
My thoughts are stars I can't fanthom into constellations.
Don't worry. Worry is useless. I worried anyway
El Tulipan Holandés contemplaba la marea, que estaba subiendo. -Ensambla, unifica, envenena, corrige, revela. Mira cómo sube y baja, y se lleva todo consigo. + ¿Qué es? - Le pregunté. -Agua- me contestó el Holandés-. Bueno, y tiempo.
...everybody should have true love, and it should last at least as long as your life does.
Always' was a promise! How can you just break the promise?" "Sometimes people don't always understand the promises they're making when they make them," I said. Isaac shot me a look. "Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That's what love...
Funerals, I had decided, are for the living.
Thank you for letting me hijack your wish', I said. 'Thank you for wearing that dress which is like whoa," he said.
Apparently, the world is not a wish-granting factory.
O mundo não é uma fábrica de conceder desejos.
I don't decide where I live. My wife decides. She's a curator of contemporary art, and she works at an art museum, so we go wherever she has a job. All basements look the same, so I can write from whatever basement I happen to be living in.
This is all so CHILDISH PATHETIC. YOU'RE EMBARASSING. GET OVER IT GET OVER IT GET OVER IT. But he did not quite know what "it" was.
He reached up t0 grab one and came down with several, and they kept coming, washing over him, floating all around him. Never have tampon strings seemed so beautiful as they rolled up and down with the wind, landing on the ground and then twirling and...
Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.
He liked the mere act of reading, the magic of turning scratches on a page into words inside his head.
Ergo: girls should always make the first move, because (a) they are, on the whole, less likely to be rejected than guys, (b) that way, girls will never get kissed unless they want to be kissed.
People are supposed to care. It's good that people mean something to you, that you miss people when they're gone.
It rather goes without saying that Katherine drank her coffee black. Katherines do, generally. They like their coffee like they like their ex-boyfriends: bitter.
He liked the idea of coffee quite a lot—a warm drink that gave you energy and had been for centuries associated with sophisticates and intellectuals. But coffee itself tasted to him like caffeinated stomach bile.
Do you ever wonder whether people would like you more or less if they could see inside you? I mean, I’ve always felt like the Katherines dump me right when they start to see what I look like from the inside—well, except K-19. But I always wonder ...
I feel like how you matter is defined by the things that matter to you. You matter as much as the things that matter to you do. And I got so backwards, trying to make myself matter to him. All this time, there were real things to care about: real, go...