About Joël Dicker: Joël Dicker is a Swiss novelist from Geneva, Switzerland, a French-speaking city.
Le paradis des écrivains, c’est l’endroit où vous décidez de réécrire la vie comme vous auriez voulu la vivre. Car la force des écrivains, Marcus, c’est qu’ils décident de la fin du livre.
How does one become a writer, Harry? By never giving up. You know, Marcus, that freedom-the desire for freedom-is a war in itself. We live in a society of defeated office workers, and to get ourselves out of this fix, we must fight-against ourselves ...
The reason writers are such fragile beings, Marcus, is that they suffer from two sorts of emotional pain, which is twice as much as a normal human being: the heartache of love and the heartache of books. Writing a book is like loving someone. It can ...