When you feel like you're not making the best of decisions, don't beat yourself up and say that “I never make the right choices.” Choose to say, “I have the wisdom of God and I can make better choices.
The past is over and I choose to live in the present and in anticipation of the amazing future God has for me.
My best days are ahead of me and I choose not to let where I’ve been to stop me from where I am going.
God can bring good out of everything; both the open doors and the closed doors.
Learning to trust God when He says “no” is a very important step in handling rejection. This is because God's character is not only seen in what He does, but in what He does not do.
if He closes a door, you may never know what He’s saving you from or see the better things He has stored up for you.
It’s really important to not allow rejection to define who you are. Just because someone did not value or approve of you does not mean you should give up on yourself or let go of the amazing dreams you have on the inside.
It takes discernment and God's help to know when we have to keep on trying or let go and let God, and if you trust God to lead you, He’ll make sure you don’t miss out on His best.
You may have failed at something you tried, but that does not make you a failure.
It may seem like it would take years to see your dreams fulfilled, but when you see things from God's perspective, you realize that He is not limited by time; He can do a lot in a split second of time.
The key to changing your self-image is not to call yourself by the mistakes you’ve made or how people see you, but to call yourself the way God sees you.
God is still on the throne, He knows where He's taking you and He's working out things around in your favour.
Rather than just trying to fight the past, a better thing to do would be to invest in the new and give today and this new season of your life your best shot.
Get ready for a brand new beginning; this is your new normal!
Expect a flood of His goodness!
We often equate a new beginning or fresh start to moving to a new area, changing jobs, starting a new business or entering a new relationship. While this is true, there is also the possibility that God wants to bring newness to you right where you ar...
Rather than just using where you are as an exit to your next season, choose to live life “on full” instead of “pushing-pause” till a better day.
Sometimes it takes more faith to stay in a place, be it in a relationship or a job that seems to be going nowhere than it does take faith to go somewhere else.
Nothing you ever go through will be wasted. The mountain top or valley experiences would all someway add up to bring colour to God’s plan for your life.
God's way is always the best way. Stay open and let Him do it His way.
when it comes to God we can never inconvenience Him or ask for too much.