Quote by: Jack Williamson

Hurrying on, Barbee nodded to the workman as casually as he could. His skin felt goose-pimpled under the thin red robe, and he couldn't help shivering to a colder chill than he felt in the frosty air. For the quiet city, it seemed to him, was only a veil of painted illusion. Its air of sleepy peace concealed brooding horror, too frightful for sane minds to dwell upon. Even the cheery bricklayer with the lunch pail might - just might - be the monstrous Child of Night.

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Author Bio

  • NameJack Williamson
  • DescriptionAmerican science fiction writer
  • AliasesJohn Stewart Williamson; Will Stewart; Nils O. Sunderland
  • BornApril 29, 1908
  • DiedNovember 10, 2006
  • CountryUnited States Of America
  • ProfessionWriter; Novelist
  • WorksUndersea Trilogy; Saga Of Cuckoo; Starchild Trilogy
  • AwardsNebula Award