You know, you remind me of my younger brother. I miss that kid, so much that I sometimes regret killing him.
Like people would ever want to read books on an electronic screen.
Sorry to hear about your Dad." He shrugged. "He was seventy, and we always told him fast food would kill him." "Heart attack?" "He was hit by a Pizza Express truck.
Fate is a future you didn't try hard enough ti change. If you want things to go your way, being smart and being strong are helpful, but you still have to work your ass off.
One of the greatest journeys in life is overcoming insecurity and learning to truly not give a shit.
Sir, this lane is for ten items or less. I’m counting thirteen items in your cart, including that hemorrhoid cream. And while hemorrhoids might give you a reason to be nasty, they don’t give you a reason to be in this lane.