You become a leader when you believe in what you can do. The eagle believes it can soar; it doesn’t believe it can swim. The day the eagle will attempt to swim will be the day it will fail!
To make plans and not make good use of them is like “betraying your success helpmate” after getting to know him. Make plans, get prepared, but let the work be done!
Knowing God is not enough; you must make Him known to others. Through your living character, you tell more about the living God!
You can’t live outside the manual of your manufacturer and perform the function He created you for. God’s word is His manual; obey and take the lead!
If you don’t know your maker, you may travel miles to find your true self to no avail. Your maker knows you; to know yourself, know your maker!
If you don’t know your maker, chances are that you will never know yourself. If you don’t know yourself, you will bury your meals and complain of poverty!
Every birth comes out of labour pains. The most difficult task is not about being pregnant with visions; it’s about delivering an impact that inspires lives.
Don’t predict the condition of the entire day by the state of the morning. You don’t judge a book by its cover. A cloudy morning is no guarantee for a rainy day!
Great leaders die empty. They live to offload everything they put in them! Don’t die with your books in your mind unpublished!
The mind is the laboratory where products, both fake and genuine are manufactured. People grow wild weeds, others grow flourishing flowers!
The brain is the coast of many great monuments. Your ability to exploit the power of your brain is what makes you a leader. Leadership emerges from a positive mindset!
God gave us the access, but we need to exercise courage to have it. No one lacks the access, but it’s only few that have the courage to grab it!
The world will be a better place when everyone becomes a leader; when everyone finds what he/she was sent to do and does it like no other man’s business.
You remain a follower for life when you pay for what people do while nobody pays you for what you do. Do something impressive and become a leader!
Every true leader is in the business of God. The good news is that God’s business does not yield loses. Most leaders fail because they claim to be in a business whose owner they never know!
You can’t lead if you don’t know what you were made for. You can’t know what you were made for if you don’t ask the one who made you! Know your creator; know yourself!
Your mother just carried you literally. The one who really gave you to her is the one who really knows about the main problem you were meant to solve!
The more positive you think the earlier you will discover opportunities and the easier you will overcome obstacles.
It is not the person who is being taken out of a trouble that gains experience on how to deliver people from troubles. It’s the person who does the deliverance that gains more experience. Leadership is service!
Just as every crop performs on its specific type of soil, and not all fishes can grow in every kind of water, so is leadership. You can’t lead where you can’t thrive; you can lead where you can survive!
Leadership is about making and maintaining a positive change. True leaders do not conform to the limits of the environments they stay in; the transform it positively!