Forgiveness is a clean lotion that heals the wounds of misunderstandings! To iron out the differences; get the painful sores dressed up; Forgive and Forget!
Never forget that when connections get destroyed by means of bad communication, it's good communication that resolves them. Don't be shy to say "I am sorry" and "please forgive me". That's a good communication!
Integrity involves the ability to stand straight when you tell your truth, and still stand straight when the other person comes to talk!
Most people who are global achievers were once victims of greater circumstances than yours, but they had one word to sum it up; "They never give up!
Avoid hating people because you might have destroyed the bridge you have just used to cross the river; you'll need that bridge to cross again when returning!
Can-do" is the parent of "Have-done". No passion, no production!
Watch out! Someone taught me that I should watch the people in my boat; some may be rolling the boat while others may be drilling holes under it! So, am determined to watch my circle!
Complains are like the clouds that give no rain no matter how thick they gather.
Don’t be selfish in life; pass the ball. Winners in life’s game are people who demonstrate that they are not greedy when they have abundant of supply. They share freely provided they have it! That defines the true state of a purposeful person.
Complaining is a vain way of explaining pain without gaining relief. Keep complains distances away from you.
Let your hands be clean; God loves clean hands and no wonder cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Everyone born is on the field of life’s game, but not everyone does wear the jersey of vision! Some people are fair players and others are injury causers; you joke with the later and they hit you down in pain and blood stains!
Life is a game where fair players are winners! But as for the "injury causers", "red-card" sees their end off!
Every game has rules. Obey the rules, win the game; disobey the rule, lose it! The game of life has loser and winners. Play fairly and win!
Strike the rock and the water will flow; don’t wait to brag about why you alone can hit the rock for water to flow; just go and do it because the world is thirsty! Your potentials are in put in you by God because he knows there is a need to be fulf...
How I wish the police service is instructed to arrest people who over-complain! Just arrest them, do no harm to them, but make them do the "work" they complain about with hard labour!
If you are a “now-person”, you reduce the time rate during which your success story is to be published; if you delay a bit, you are either prolonging the date of publishing or you are deleting it at all cost! Be a “now-person” and do it now!
Feature in God’s team of trainees and you will play for the winning team! This is your heritage that you will lay hands on the trophy!
No matter how you were taught by your teacher about how to recite a poem, it is impossible to wear your teacher's smiling face to the stage. You got to put on that smile.
You may have been too quick to admit the difficulty of a specific task. The question is "how many times have you tried dealing with it"? Don't say it's difficult if you haven't tried it!
You are heading towards the top if you raise the bar of your standards inch by inch each hour! There is no quick way to success; it comes in installments. Every day's activity is a minor contribution to a heavy pay of success. Don't waste the day!