About Idries Shah:
Idries Shah was an author and teacher in the Sufi tradition who wrote over three dozen books on topics ranging from psychology and spirituality to travelogues and culture studies.
Dicho del Profeta Envidia La envidia devora las buenas obras, como el fuego devora el combustible.
Idries ShahDicho del Profeta Humildad Tanto la humildad como la cortesía son una parte de la piedad.
Idries ShahDicho del Profeta Práctica ¿Quiénes son los sabios? Aquéllos que ponen en práctica lo que saben.
Idries ShahHelping others I order you to assist any oppressed person, whether he is a Moslem or not.
Idries ShahSaying of the Prophet Objects It is your attachment to objects which make you blind and deaf.
Idries Shah