To be effective, we have to slow down the speed of our thoughts and focus on managing our attention.
Our imperfections are what create authentic connections with one another.
Authentic leadership is at the root of cultures of great innovation, engagement, outstanding client experiences, and growth.
Authentic leadership is about leading from the core of who we are to inspire each of us to our best contribution toward a shared mission.
The struggle to live up to an “ideal image” of who we should be in order to feel safe misdirects and depletes our energy.
Our suppressing who we are to fit in is exhausting. It kills flow and creativity. It also prevents genuine connection with others.
Authenticity is a choice we make about who we want to be that inspires our greater aliveness.
To change any behavior we have to slow down and act intentionally rather than from habit and impulse.
Confused? Confusion is good. It’s an excellent place to learn something new from.
To return to our authenticity, we have to let go of all that we are not. We recognize and let go of the judgments, fears, and “shoulds” that keep us stuck.
The real you focuses on goals that inspire you and doesn’t let “that’s just not me!” stand in the way.
Practice holding labels lightly as leaders so you have greater range in your behaviors and are more adaptable and effective in a greater range of situations.
Being true to ourselves is about having courage to define our own version of what it is to live a successful life.