Women who seek advice from single women about getting a man is like asking a homeless man how to be rich.
Often the best advice is not to seek advice.
Never pay attention to someone who has not earned your respect.
You become a man not when you reach a certain age, but when you reach a certain state of mind.
A successful man is like a bottle of wine, just gets better with age.
Gone are the days when girls used to cook like their mothers and boys used to dress like their fathers. Now girls drink like their fathers and boys dress like their mothers.
My mind may be sober, but my confidence is high!
It is sad that people need alcohol to make them happy.
Keep your standards even when everyone around you is losing theirs.
If you are not working towards something, your life will end with nothing.
Always strive to get to the top in life because its usually crowded at the bottom.
I love living in the ghetto!" #PoorMindSet
Without drive you will never get anywhere in life.
It's time to stop following your dreams and time to start chasing them!
Excuses are merely nails used to build a house of failure.
If you cannot do great things in life, make sure you do the small things in a great way.
Money as the sole ambition has no value.
If a man wants his dreams to come true he must wake up.
The difference between greed and ambition is a greedy person desires things he isn't prepared to work for.
All of yesterday's ballers are today's road sweepers.