Breakthrough innovation occurs when we bring down boundaries and encourage disciplines to learn from each other
Innovative solutions to new challenges seldom come from familiar places
Most revolutions start small and simmer under the surface gathering strength, adding to an ideology, gaining favourable opinion- first as a credible alternative and then as the majority view
The only way to control chaos and complexity is to give up some of that control
A leader without purpose, is a leader by accident
The employment equation used to be built on a foundation of two-way loyalty. The world has changed. Today, successful employment relationships can only be sustained on a foundation of two-way honesty
Talent, just like gold or any other precious commodity is subject to the same demand & supply economics
Careers increasingly come with a reboot button, and companies that realize this early possess a competitive talent advantage
best practices are useful reference points, but they must come with a warning label : The more you rely on external intelligence, the less you will value an internal idea. And this is the age of the idea
While mistakes may be local, in today’s connected world embarrassment is global
The “quality revolution” in the latter half of the 20th century has taken us to a point where all products that reach a supermarket shelf work. The competitive differentiators of the future will be products which are the most innovative, even tho...
Mankind, as history tells us over and over again, seeks the least painful solution and, as a result, ends up exchanging one problem for another
Annual planning cycles doom you to short term fixes for long term problems