About Grover Cleveland: Stephen Grover Cleveland is the only President in American history to serve two non-consecutive terms in office.
A government for the people must depend for its success on the intelligence, the morality, the justice, and the interest of the people themselves.
Communism is a hateful thing, and a menace to peace and organized government.
In the scheme of our national government, the presidency is preeminently the people's office.
I would rather the man who presents something for my consideration subject me to a zephyr of truth and a gentle breeze of responsibility rather than blow me down with a curtain of hot wind.
The United States is not a nation to which peace is a necessity.
I know there is a Supreme Being who rules the affairs of men and whose goodness and mercy have always followed the American people, and I know He will not turn from us now if we humbly and reverently seek His powerful aid.
Party honesty is party expediency.
Your every voter, as surely as your chief magistrate, exercises a public trust.
Honor lies in honest toil.