As of today, you do anything that I feel is disrespecting our program in any way, you are gone! From this day forward, everyone will be at practice in uniform as we will either build this program into something or we will destroy it!
If you are not a part of the solution then you must be part of the problem. I am done with problems here!
Coaches must take calculated risks all the time. One thing is to talk about what you plan to do and another is to prepare and then execute a plan toward change.
The third year at a school for any head coach is the most important year for the program they are attempting to develop.
A team goal requires a team effort.
Winners accept responsibility because acceptance of responsibility nullifies excuses.
The unknown can be a great tool.
It is more likely that coaches have players go down in games they are losing than games they are winning.
America is a country built on unity, hard work and diligent pursuit of personal goals leading to collective success.
This is truly a rags to riches story which doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. Hope is offered to those who face similar challenges that in this great Country dreams can be realized when work ethic and passion lead the way.
The coaches will offer a direction, a plan, routine, discipline and the players must develop the desire to work together accepting their roles as they learn in preparation for the season.
Once an athlete feels his coach does not believe in him resentment develops and everyone loses at that point.