As the church get older and older it becomes harder to keep evangelism on the front burner because of all the competing issues that keeps pushing it back.
There is nothing better than to have a highly motivated team of leaders focused on than reaching those far from Christ. And yet statistics and our experience reveal that evangelism entropy can creep deep inside a new church within months of its first...
Great leaders are teachable leaders.
Effective leaders are good spotters. They are on the lookout for potential leaders. They have the ability to look beyond other’s deficiencies to see their possibilities.
Having a good definition of spiritual leadership is critical to development of leadership cultural throughout your church. You need to know what you are shooting for if you are going to hit the target.
One of the landmines that church planters never dodge is the landmine of leadership development. I will never forget the day when I realized that there are no such things as 'ready-made leaders'.
There is nothing worse for a young convert than to be thrust into leadership without mentoring and ongoing coaching because the devil relishes these vulnerable souls.
Keep at it! Remember marketing is building a relationship! If you use marketing for a year and stop, you cut off your relationship with the larger community. Then you will have to re-start the relationship all over again. The old adage “it takes si...
The mission that God has given us is a highly relational mission. Jesus said, "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you" John 20:21. Jesus came into this world, lived in obscurity for 30 years and then spent three years relationally investing in t...
Every church has a marketing plan! The only difference is that some are better than others! When I think of marketing I think of building a relationship with those within reach of your ministry who know nothing about your church or are disconnected f...
God makes his gospel attractive through his people.
On an individual and corporate level the church is learning to love and accept people where they are at on their journey along with providing opportunities and experiences for them to engage relationally with other Christians along with exploring the...
Lordship and rapport are the keys to save us from being combative and make us more attractive in spiritual conversations.
The mission that Jesus invites us to participate in is primarily a relational one in nature. Our ability to sustain our relationship in a meaningful way will have a direct impact on our missional fruitfulness.
What price are you willing to pay to see your church actively engaged in evangelism? Price? What do you mean by price? There is a cost for everything. One of the causes for evangelistic entropy is an unwillingness to count the cost of growth. If evan...
Leadership is simply a well applied energy burst. If a leader is going to let his energy get depleted through not important and urgent activities that distracts every ministry, then there will not be any energy left to counteract the evangelistic ent...
If evangelism is really going to be a value that your church embraces, the church will have to embrace the changes that will take place when evangelism is activated in the church.
Leaders are passionate learners. Leaders are always seeking ways to improve themselves by sharpening their skills. They fully embrace the fact that growing leaders lead growing organizations.
Cultivating spiritual intimacy is essential for leaders to live a vibrant missional life.
Father, help me focus on my strengths and trust others to fill the gaps of my weaknesses” Every leader knows the skills in which they excel. They also are aware of those tasks that they maintain a certain level of competence along with those duties...