Angry obsessive thoughts about another weaken your state of mind and well being. If you must have revenge, then take it by choosing to be happy and let them go forever.
Self-Empowerment is free to anyone who chooses to use it. It comes from within and nowhere else. You cannot buy it, borrow it, steal it or sell it. It is always available to you and never wears out. The only choice you have to make is whether or not ...
Your limitations are largely programming instilled by others that you choose to believe.
When a bully is held accountable for his actions, his future actions will change. Bad behavior only continues for those who allow it.
Just like in the eye of the storm there is always comfort within the chaos. Becoming aware of this however, is your responsibility.
You are the most influential person in your life. You can embrace your strengths or give away your power. The choice is yours.
You are a victim only when you have decided to play the part.
Never put yourself in a position to be made an example of.
You never see the entire script of political theater until long after the last scene has been acted out.
You must love and respect yourself enough to never be a victim under any circumstance.
Believe in what makes you Healthy, because everything else is just garbage.
Despite your best efforts, not everyone wants to be helped. Make a difference where you can and be at peace with the rest.
There is no one more capable of helping you than yourself.
Good health is subjective and cumulative depending on individual interpretation. Do not allow someone else’s shortcomings to become yours.
In a world of full of manipulation, half-truths and lies, the conspiracy theory is often a safer bet than the official story.
When you bury your head in the sand you leave your backside exposed to those who seek to take advantage.
Consider for a moment that when you see someone as being ‘gifted’, it is out of a belief that whatever it is that they do, would be impossible for you to do. You should also consider that maybe their ‘gift’, is nothing more than an undevelope...
Historically speaking, just about everything we know to be ‘absolute’ will eventually change due to ‘new findings’.
We have come to a point in time where using common sense, speaking factual truths and asking honest questions have been deemed radical behavior. While in turn, manipulation, thoughtlessness and dishonesty is often rewarded and rules the day.
Unrealistic expectations often lead to disappointment, while simple unbiased attention and detachment to outcome often lead to pleasant surprises.