I am often slow in catching up to the times, but even so, I still cannot even grip this idea: With nothing more than pitocin in your IV drip, you can sooner control the date and time of the birth of a human being-- the gushing entry into the great bl...
Be careful what you get good at doin', cuz you'll be doin' it for the rest of your life.
How can it be, after all this concentrated effort and separation, how can it be that I still resemble, so very closely, my own detestable mother?
This is the crepe. This is the cider. This is how we live and eat.
every session I had no fewer than sixteen girls with “allergies” to dairy and wheat—cheese and bread basically—but also to garlic, eggplant, corn, and nuts. They had cleverly developed “allergies,” I believe, to the foods they had seen th...
My father has said a hundred times, and I have paid attention, that it's stupid to let money be the reason you don't do something.
[I] like to be anchored by routine, not shackled by it.
It's promising and seductive, that huge Italian family, sitting around the dinner table, surrounded by olive trees. But it's not my family and I am not their family, and no amount of birthing sons, and cooking dinner and raking leaves or planting the...
Alone on the terrace looking up at the stars I would not feel lonely. With him glued to the screen, I feel gutted...
I knew that I did not want to go to that juvenile diversion program because I had an intuitive sense that it would turn me irrevocably into the kind of character that I was now only rehearsing to be.