Go on,” he offered magnanimously. “Feel free to piss on yourselves and cower helplessly.” Gods, sometimes his generosity overwhelmed him.
You want us to bargain with a lizard?” “They’re not lizards, Father. They’re extraordinary creatures who were here long before any human was crawling on this earth. They are warriors and scholars and—” “He has long hair like a woman,”...
And why does Father want me out there? You do know it’s a myth what they say about virgin sacrifices and dragons, yes?” “Of course I know that,” he snapped in such a way that Dagmar knew he believed the myth to be true. “And after them thre...
As he was forced to tell his father more than once, “I said I’d fight for my mother’s throne. I never said I’d die for it.” Then he’d add, simply to annoy the old bastard into one of his frothy temper tantrums, “Don’t you think I’m ...
I already explained this. I don’t like you. True, I don’t like most people, but I especially dislike you. I could start my own religion based on how much I dislike you.
Dagmar tried to stand, and Gwenvael caught her hand, pulling her back down. "You can't leave me. I'm tortured and brooding. You need to show me how much you adore me so I can learn to love myself again." "You've never stopped loving yourself." "Becau...
It wasn’t the first time he’d run for his life. And it most likely would not be the last. In the past few decades, though, he’d mostly run from angry fathers who’d found him where they felt he should not be. Or he’d run from town guards—s...
Are you in great physical pain, or is that your thinking expression?
Hope death finds you well today.
But you don't have a husband yet?" Elina shook her head, her gaze focused on the stream. "No. I have nothing to entice a man. No raids. No bounty on my head. No one fears me." She looked him in the eyes. "As far as the tribes are concerned, I am noth...
What did she say?" Eibhear asked. "She basically said...she does not like me. We would not be friends. And if we had sex, it would be only because she was bored. Long nights and all.
Annwyl didn't know or care. She hated the gods, pretty much all of them. But more than gods, she hated humans who did horrible things while proclaiming themselves holy and righteous because of their gods. Yet of all the holy sycophants she'd had to d...
Bercelak’s kin kept themselves busy by sharpening weapons, reading, talking, or setting things on fire with small bursts of flame.
For it was intelligence that was the thin line between endearing rapscallion and idiot bastard. - Éibhear the Contemptible
I'm trying to help you." "I don't know what you're doing, but I'm sure there are laws about it!
Don't make me cover your face with a pillow until you see my side of things." "Isn't that called murder?