About Friedrich Nietzsche:
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German philosopher, cultural critic, poet, composer, and Latin and Greek scholar. He wrote several critical texts on religion, morality, contemporary culture, philosophy, and science, displaying a fondness for metaphor and irony.
The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad.
Friedrich NietzscheExtreme positions are not succeeded by moderate ones, but by contrary extreme positions.
Friedrich NietzscheAfter coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands.
Friedrich NietzscheIt is always consoling to think of suicide: in that way one gets through many a bad night.
Friedrich NietzscheThe most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception.
Friedrich NietzscheThere are no moral phenomena at all, but only a moral interpretation of phenomena.
Friedrich Nietzsche