A life without Jesus Christ is a life without purpose.
Best place to find yourself is in the Creator, God.
God loves Holiness for that's His Name.
Jesus Christ Home of Love, where love flows and overflows like streams of water, love that brings Hope, truth, saves, heals and gives life.
in Jesus Christ victory we have and that's inevitable.
Holiness is not something done but a lifestyle.
Rather be alone in the presence of God than with a crowd outside the presence of God.
A lost men is not a direction but a self-seeking outside God.
When it's God first, you can never go wrong.
I can't be a South African without being an African first.
I've stopped dreaming to believing in God
God has all the answers, seek him.
JESUS is the way, truth and life. So I'l never be lost, wrong and dead in him.
GOD exist because of no one, I exist because of GOD.