The dreams we dream today will be the light to the generation to come.
Spirit of excellence can take you to the place of favor.
You don't need anyone's approval when it comes to your dream because the dream giver [God]is already approved it that moment He chose you to carry it.The only thing you can do is to remember that you are in the driving seat and you must keep driving ...
Dream chasers are full of strength, are full of desire, are passionate and they cling unto their dreams until they produce life.
I've learned something peculiar in my life, every time rejection comes on my way; my break through shows up. Now I'm sort of enjoying rejection, so bring it on, I'm ready to celebrate my break through and I'm grateful to those who reject me.
Dreamers do not believe in power, they believe in imagination the source of creativity.
I am a learner, my desire is to be a good listener and to have a teachable spirit in my life time.
Authenticity is the back bone of every dream and the source of open doors.
Learning is a life time journey that opens flood gates of opportunities.
God is already given you the power to crush down the red & white tape says you can't proceed beyond certain places. He's given you the keys to open all the door were been slammed on your face; now is the time to take your very first step towards your...
Dreamers have sharp ears like spear and sharp eyes like an eagle.
It's time to know who you are and why you are on this planet. It's time to grow up and know what God has invested in you, start to embrace it and use it before the world devour you alive.
Uproot the spirit of reluctancy out of your life and invest the spirit of stickability in this year of 2014.
You could feel hurt and rejected right now but you must know that both pain and rejection are not here to stay. They just passing by and they'll never take away the burning fire that resides in you called desire.
Teachable spirit makes you crave for more wisdom and knowledge.
Those who have teachable spirit get wiser and wiser daily.
Those who haven't visualise their dreams yet talk about people and things but those who already grasped their dreams talk about desires and ideas.
A great quality of your preparation will manifest on your performance.
Rising and falling of my journey made me strive for more in life.
To be a great dreamer you have to keep pushing and pushing through this crowded world.
Be creative, be inventive minded, dream bigger that's the way to the promised land (your destiny).