About Eliphas Levi: Eliphas Levi was a French occult author and ceremonial magician.
El cristianismo no debía odiar a la magia; pero la ignorancia humana siempre tiene miedo de lo desconocido.
Si Edipo en lugar de hacer morir a la esfinge la hubiera domado y enganchado a su carro para entrar a Tebas, hubiera sido rey sin incesto, sin calamidades y sin exilio.
Religion realizes philosophy by adapting it to the weaknesses of the vulgar....
Like all magical mysteries, the secrets of the Great Work have a triple meaning: they are religious, philosophical and natural. Philosophical gold in religion is the Absolute and Supreme Reason; in philosophy, it is truth; in visible nature, it is th...
A good teacher must be able to put himself in the place of those who find learning hard.
Order is never observed; it is disorder that attracts attention because it is awkward and intrusive.