When you walk in the company of your courage, nothing & no one - can stand in your way.
Embrace all you do not just want - but, all you truly deserve.
Motherhood unwittingly molds us into all we are now, or are - destined to be.
Motherhood furnishes us with, not just giving life — but, partaking of life’s learning.
Let me share my loving care upon those who are not my children — yet, willing to see me as their Father.
As a Father, I willingly nurture & protect the Soul's of all those - I love.
The Mind may relish the companionship of bloated self-pride - but the Soul, will not.
Let your doubts & fears melt away, as you fulfill your life's destiny & goals.
Let us acknowledge the magnitude of Motherhood, by simply honoring all mothers— past & present.
Let the voices of all mothers be heard, as we come to honor the gift of Motherhood.
Become Empowered, not just in Mind and Body - but in Spirit, too.
Journey freely along your chosen path, in a manner of your own choosing.
I am a Soul sharing the Purity and Gift of my Soul - with the Souls of Others.
Strive toward what you know you must achieve, in confident & courageous manner.
Ignite the boldest of your dreams!
May you uncover the wisdom that summons the answers – to all that you seek.
Fearlessly use the power of your will & determination to go forth in life, strengthened.
Let strength and wisdom carry you forward beyond the limited horizons — you may have once envisioned.
Let strength & wisdom carry you forward beyond the limited horizons — you may have once envisioned.
You are no longer constrained by the mind’s limitations-but, freed by the Soul’s inner guidance.
Embrace the notion of venturing beyond your own limits.