You owe it to your destiny to never allow your mind to become a playground for negative thoughts and beliefs.
I walk by faith because I strongly believe that God has blessed us all with a life of endless opportunities and possibilities.
The mind can start to work in your favor or against you at any given time. It's a matter of turning your thoughts and beliefs around.
Take positive care of your mind, and it would surely take positive care of your life.
Never dare to turn your subconscious mind into a shelter for thoughts or beliefs that aren't working in your favor.
The only person who could succeed in dethroning you from the throne that God has placed you on, is nobody else but you. So, sit comfortably with a mind full of positive thoughts and beliefs, and dare not to ever betray yourself.
Nothing can keep you down at the bottom, if your thoughts and beliefs aren't keeping you down.
Any thought or belief that doesn't suggest the realities of success and happiness in your life, should never be granted the access to dwell in your mind.
Learn and grow from your trials and tribulations. Don't allow them to conquer your mind and steal your true destiny in life. You are unquestionably stronger than your negative thoughts suggest.
I refuse to permit anything or anyone to steal my joy regardless of how dire the circumstance is. Happiness is now a way of living for me because I decided a decade ago that it was time to take charge and become the captain of my own thoughts and bel...
You can achieve a lot of unimaginable great things in life, but only under the condition of not allowing your negative thoughts and beliefs to stand in your way.
It is your sole responsibility to protect every single one of your days on earth with positive thoughts and beliefs.
Everything remains the same if your thought pattern stays unchanged. For any permanent positive change to happen in your life, you MUST first change yourself on the inside. Start paying close attention to your daily thoughts, so that you could be abl...
Always find a way to live happily instead of making excuses and pointing fingers. You truly deserve to be happy, and you could surely attain it if you vow to never turn your mind into a shelter for negative thoughts and beliefs.
You can't continue to complain about the lack of happiness in your life, but at the same time holding on to the thoughts that produce unhappiness. Consistent negative thoughts and the feeling of happiness can never co-exist in the same mind at the sa...
In order to live in the reality of your God's given destiny, you must consistently guard your mind against all self-defeating thoughts.
In order to live in the reality of your God's given destiny, you must consistently guard your mind against all self-defeating thoughts and beliefs.
Never allow your thoughts and beliefs to turn you against your true positive self.
No one is responsible for your own happiness. Neither could anyone or thing succeed in making you happy. This is because happiness can only be activated or deactivated through your repeated thoughts and beliefs.
Happiness is nothing but a blissful feeling that can only be activated when positive thoughts and beliefs are constantly dwelling in one's mind.
Never seize to constantly remind yourself that your positive thoughts and beliefs are the pillars of your peace of mind.