Before desiring for more success in your life, try to at least be grateful with your current blessings. Being in good health is more than enough to be thankful.
Stop focusing so much on what is on the outside and start getting to know yourself better on the inside. Your true purpose in life lies in your inner positive voices.
The spirit of gratitude is definitely one of the main keys to happiness and constant growth. Every blessing needs to be celebrated and transformed into a motivation for more blessings.
Think about how far you have come, and how far that you desire to go, and then say to yourself with full conviction, 'It's very possible with God on my side.
Life is like a long essay, but unfortunately a lot of people are in the habit of plagiarizing from others.
Life is always better with God on the lead.
Circumstances don't come to distract you from the spirit of gratitude; negative interpretations of them do.
This very moment calls for you to activate your courage and start facing and challenging the things that scare you the most. You are a lot stronger than those negative thoughts that are trying to convince you to believe that you are incapable of triu...
Try not to waste your entire stay on earth running from your fears. You were born to be victorious in all your endeavors. Start walking with faith and courage. God is with you, and will forever be with you.
Fear is nothing but an enemy of progress. By all means don't permit it to win.
Don't go into a relationship with an empty heart, and expect your partner to complete it for you. No heart can ever be complete without the presence of unconditional self-love.
It might seem like your whole world is falling apart, but I can honestly assure you that it is absolutely not. Think about how many times in the past that you thought that your world was falling apart but finally didn't?
If you haven't been successful fighting your battles on your own, by all means invite God and His Angels to take the lead in your life.
No matter what it is that you are going through in life at the moment, stay strong and positive with your daily thoughts. Leave everything else that is beyond your power in God's hand, and then relax and watch time heal your wounds.
Worrying can only come as an enemy of the solution to your problem.
You have what it takes to push forward or to move backwards, but only one of these directions is capable of compensating you for all your pain and sufferings.
If your thoughts and beliefs are always in support of your destiny, happiness would become an instant gift, while success would only become a matter of time.
I always wake up in morning with a big smile of gratitude on my face. 'Why is that?' Well, every single day to me is a great opportunity to push myself closer to the bigger picture that God has painted for me.
As long as you continue to stay true to yourself and consistent with your goals and dreams, nothing would ever succeed in stopping you from sitting on the table of abundant success and happiness that God has prepared for you.
It is only impossible because one hasn't put one's whole mind and heart in it.
No matter what your circumstances are, never for a second forget that you solely owe yourself the gift of abundant success and happiness.