The plans of your enemies against you mean absolutely nothing since God is already busy creating a great future for you.
A positive change has never been a result of worrying, complaining and making excuses instead of focusing on manifesting your true destiny.
It's highly important to always bear in mind that continuous negative thoughts and belief can unquestionably reverse your true destiny in life.
It is impossible to remain at the bottom forever, if your thoughts and beliefs are in total agreement with the possibility of you residing at the top.
You truly deserve to reside at the top because your mind is far greater than anything that the bottom has to offer.
The bottom can only be accepted by those who aren't hungry enough for the top.
It is either you let go of the things and people that are dragging you down and start climbing to the top or you could forget about the possibility of you ever making it to the top.
Fear is nothing but a thought. So try not to become its victim. You were born to be the captain of your own thoughts.
Break the habit of negative thoughts and beliefs before they succeed in breaking you and your destiny.
Don't allow your negative thoughts and beliefs to bully you into a state of living that you didn't bargain for.
I constantly see some people get very excited on Fridays, but become very annoyed and stressed on Mondays because they have to go back to work. If this is you, then you definitely have to start searching for your true passion in life, because once yo...
The lack of unconditional self-love leads many to sell themselves cheap.
You weren't born a quitter, and it's your sole responsibility to never turn yourself into one.
Isn't it time for you to free yourself from your past in order to enjoy the beauty of the present?
Don't allow anyone to talk you out from the habit of following your true passion in life. People are not God; so they can cannot see what you see in your mental imagination.
Some people become fully discouraged in life because of their series of mistakes and failures; while others succeed by consistently learning from theirs.
Each day has its bright side. So, in order to continuously experience a happy life, you must consistently find the bright side of each day and give it your undivided attention.
Every given moment calls for you to examine the thoughts and beliefs in your mind to ensure that they are constantly in favor of your true destiny on earth.
Let the greatness in you shine by occupying your daily life with decisions and actions that are in favor of your God's given destiny.
Love isn't suppose to hurt. If it does, then it is absolutely not a true love.
Never permit fears, doubts, circumstances, laziness or the lack of ambition to force you into leaving any stone unturned.