The occasional or frequent arrivals of fearful and doubtful thoughts in your mind don't mean that you aren't stronger than your struggles, challenges and obstacles. You should never hesitate for a second to challenge and replace them with words of en...
There is a big difference between school education and self-education. School education has some limits to it, but self-education doesn't. So in order to unleash your greatest potential in life, you must effectively combine the two.
What most of us usually call being educated, is earning a high institution certification for a career. But the truth is, life is more than just learning about your field of work. In order to achieve a meaningful life, you must seek to become more fam...
There is always a strong need for self-education during and after school education. Education is a never-ending process of intellectual growth.
Focus on your true purpose in life and stop focusing on other people's flaws, mistakes and failures. The fulfillment of your positive purpose on earth truly needs your undivided attention.
Don't for a second worry about those who would laugh or talk about you if you were to encounter failures or make mistakes. They definitely don't belong in your life, because they can never make or break you.
The lack of limitless positive imagination has undoubtedly led many people with great potential to settle for a mediocre state of living.
If you have the presence of unconditional self-love in your heart, there is no way you would allow yourself to be in an abusive relationship, just because of the fear of being alone.
If the only thing that your partner consistently says about you, is how good you look, then you would be in a deep trouble, because there are countless of beautiful people all around the world. In other words, your partner would easily be distracted ...
True love goes deeper than physical attraction. Only one's inner positive beauty is capable of creating a level of love that is irreplaceable.
Whatever it is that you are going through at the moment, stay strong and keep your faith alive. Through perseverance, time will surely come to your rescue.
The beauty of happiness is that you can solely attain it despite what people say or think about you.
Always bear in mind that your feelings and emotions are always paying attention to your frequent thoughts and beliefs.
Respect isn't automatically earned. You have to first position yourself with a level of mannerism that's worth emulating, before others could see a strong reason to respect you.
The idea of never settling for less, surely doesn't suggest not acknowledging and celebrating every accomplished step that leads to where you desire to be in the future.
It is very important for you to have a mind of your own because most people can only advice you based on how they see life. Evidently, majority of the people on earth are yet to understand the true meaning of life.
Be curious enough to repeatedly search within you to discover your true purpose in life. When you find it, be sure to break loose from all limitations, and then align all your daily decisions and actions in its positive direction.
Isn't it time to stop wishing, complaining, making excuses and pointing finger? Your destiny calls for you to give your dream the actions that it desperately needs. Dig deep to discover your hidden abilities and strength to always persevere.
A life with a positive purpose is absolutely priceless.
A life without a positive purpose is nothing but a destiny placed on hold.
One of the risks that comes with not living your life with a positive purpose, is that you would become vulnerable enough to be blown around by the winds of trials and tribulations.