Quote by: Douglas Coupland

One of my own stray childhood fears had been to wonder what a whale might feel like had it been born and bred in captivity, then released into the wild-into its ancestral sea-its limited world instantly blowing up when cast into the unknowable depths, seeing strange fish and tasting new waters, not even having a concept of depth, not knowing the language of any whale pods it might meet. It was my fear of a world that would expand suddenly, violently, and without rules or laws: bubbles and seaweed and storms and frightening volumes of dark blue that never end

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Author Bio

  • NameDouglas Coupland
  • DescriptionCanadian novelist, short story writer, playwright, and graphic designer
  • BornDecember 30, 1961
  • CountryCanada
  • ProfessionWriter; Sculptor; Novelist; Artist; Designer; Screenwriter
  • WorksGeneration X: Tales For An Accelerated Culture; Microserfs; JPod
  • AwardsOfficer Of The Order Of Canada