About Diane Samuels: Diane Samuels is a British author and playwright.
Cheer up and give them out there a good reason to be happy.
Whatever it is that you think you have discovered. You must forget it.
I didn’t bring you up to speak as if your mouth were filled with sewage.
A town teeming with life. Full to overflowing. And every day, the good people counted their blessings. Every single one…
Do not throw me out. Please.
Always make time to eat. Always. There’s enough starving children in the world without adding to their number
Stop fretting and eat your Madeira Cake..
I don't want to sew. How else will the buttons get onto the coat?
I’m glad to be eating the bread of freedom even if it does taste like sponge buttered with greasy salt.
Are you keeping up your good studies at school and working as hard as you always did?
Upstairs on a bus! It’s Unbelievable
What is it about me that gets them all crying? It’s not the end of the world.
You mustn’t throw them away. Let me have them.
We all die one day, but jewels never fade or perish. Through our children we live. That’s how we cheat death.
Eva: I don't want any tea. Lil: Don’t make me have it on my own.
Don’t you trust me! What good is it if you don’t bloody trust me!
What I want is irrelevant. This is your life, Faith.
Why won’t you help me? You have to able to manage on your own.
Remember that we always love and think of you. Always. Mother.
Don't even try making out I’m making this up. I’ve got proof. Evidence.