If the life you're living is unsatisfactory, you've been sending out mixed messages—conducting multiple simultaneous phone conversations with the Universe (not to mention talkin' smack). If change is what you're after, you need to unify your broadc...
Small-scale Appreciation and its vibration-raising magic are always available. And while the "Physical Mind" can easily get carried away thinking that Appreciation requires us to convert an entire horrific experience into butterflies and smiley faces...
Regardless of the delivery method, your Higher Mind will leave you a trail of popcorn. It's been happening all along, even if you've been unaware, trampling it underfoot. It may only be one kernel at a time, but that's all you really need.
Having your cake and eating it too is how Life was meant to be. Everything is possible. And the things we want the most are not only possible, they're highly probable.
Your manifesting results are comprised of a chain with zillions of tiny links—moments, experiences, conversations, physical objects, and coinciding events—all leading up to what you'd consider "the finished product" or the goal achieved. Be open ...
The gospel truth of our time-space reality is that you absolutely can do, be, have, create or experience whatever we want—as long as you first decide that we're worthy of it. And that decision is yours alone.