Love has power in it; it can melt any heart, if your love is true and divine.
When you are in love, reality becomes illusion and illusion become reality.
It takes courage, strength, and conviction to love someone deeply, persistently, and endlessly.
Love is like fire, it can burn you, but it also can melt your heart to make you the most beautiful and beloved person.
Be not afraid to love. Be accepting. Keep open your heart with a kind mind.
When you can love your enemy unconditionally, that is the practice of divine love.
To feel the love, open your mind and expand your heart.
I am not upset that you don't love me, I am very happy to know that you are still living in my heart, in my love.
Without love, life has no meaning.
Loving was so joyful and charming. Forgetting is so tearful and never ending.
We all will live much happier when we will learn to love and serve each other.
When you learn the language of divine love, everything become divine, miraculous and lovely.
Everything I learn to say or do because I love.
Life is not worth living if you forget to love.
When you love someone who hates you, that is the practice of divine love.
If you love someone he or she will love you back one hundred percent of the time.
Nothing can cure the mind but the love, nothing can possess the love but the mind.
To feel the love, feel through your heart, not through your mind, mind is judgmental but heart is kind.
Love is a magnetic force, you can't see it, but it can pull you toward the beloved.
There will be no enemy if you try to kill him with the power of your love.
Let the spirit dance with joy.