Think deeply to find the purpose of life but commit deeply to achieve success in life.
Debasish MridhaLife is magical if you are a child at heart and look at the world with wonder and joy.
Debasish MridhaTo feel the joy of life, let yourself go. By letting go we can feel and claim true ownership.
Debasish MridhaEnjoy every moment. Every moment and every breath is your life; there is nothing else.
Debasish MridhaWhen you live for yourself you are merely surviving; when you live for others you are really living.
Debasish MridhaLife isn’t about the destiny or destination. Life is about self-invention and self-creation.
Debasish MridhaLearn the art of living. Make your life as an ageless art, then you will never grow older.
Debasish MridhaThe measure of life is not what you have done for yourself, but what you have done for others.
Debasish Mridha