Live up to your expectation and grow up to your determination.
I am here just to say I love you. I am here just to say I really do. I am here just to find joy and happiness. I am here just to express love and kindness. I am here just find friends and see the beauty. I am here just enjoy life's journey and life's...
Live as if you are the Jesus and learn as if you are the Aristotle.
We shall not cease to live even when we are dying every moment.
Live with a vision. Live with a mission. Live with passion.
Among many events in life, failure is a small event, so ignore it and prepare for another one.
Immerse in serenity, live in tranquility.
There is an end of human life but there is no end of human love for humanity.
You are loving as you think you are. You are caring as you think you are. Life is for endless love and for care. Life is for joy and happiness to share. Life is to appreciate and see beauty. Life is to love and help the humanity.
You have to live with yourself rest of your life, so like yourself and love yourself, do only those things that will help the humanity and you could be proud of.
If life is my way and nirvana is my destination, then which path should I take, religious or spiritual?
Your task is not to find the joy of life but be the joy of life.
I am the owner of my life, so hold your tongue and let me live.
It's when love is your friend, it's then, life begins.
A life without purpose is like journey without destination.
A mind without clarity is like a dark cloudy sky.
A heart without kindness is like a river without water.
Joy may not have any monetary value, but life is worthless without joy.
Live everyday with all your ability. Love every moment with all possibility.
I expect miracles of life; I am very optimistic.
It is our responsibility to be kind to everyone because everyone, everyday is struggling with life for the life.