Companies that cannot successfully answer what they do fail to then understand how they can continue to do it in the face of change.
It is not wrong to think that the traditional buying of a product has been replaced with an unwritten contract of shared values between a business and its customers.
To win at semantic search you need more people than are on your payroll.
The idea of reputation, influence, and influencers in the offline world is as old as the hills. It's not new on the web either, but semantic search is creating a portable sense of identity, reputation, and influence that in the days before it simply ...
Communication without a specific focus is just noise. It achieves little beyond taking time and energy.
The greatest challenge on the Web in the twenty-first century is to connect with your target audience in a way that enriches both them and you.
To succeed in the digital realm, technology has to provide a strong disruptive element right from the start. If things cannot be done differently , a transition to digital is not going to be compelling enough for a wide enough adoption to create sust...
Real-time marketing is not for everyone. To take advantage of it, you need to have a clear idea of what it is you want to achieve through it.
We are hard-wired to engage with those we trust, and this hard-wiring has led to a constant push for greater interaction and connection on the Web.
Everything that happens now in the online world is part of a conversation. The problem with this (if we can call it a problem) is that this conversation takes place frequently asynchronously and often across platforms.
Everything that happens now in the online world is part of a conversation.
Semantic search requires three things: Trust, Authority and Reputation. All three revolve around your digital profiles, their activity and the sentiment levels and engagement that each generates. Semantic search also requires differentiation – the ...
A business needs a character and an identity, just like a person and just like a person it needs to have a Voice.
When it comes to measuring the effectiveness of your engagement in the social media environment what counts are: Comments and Sentiment.
When it comes to semantic search and the success of your social media policy, truly, there is only one thing that absolutely counts: engagement.
Marketing effectively, in a semantic web, revolves around those three ‘little’ requirements: Trust, Authority, Reputation.
It seems perverse that we can be more social than anyone would have thought possible when we are at our most anti-social, locked away from the world and silently staring at a computer screen, but that, as psychologists will tell you is the way we ope...
Social media is addictive precisely because it gives us something which the real world lacks: it gives us immediacy, direction, a sense of clarity and value as an individual.
Social media is the empowerment of the individual at the expense of the system.
The web and its technologies are digital representations of everything we did before in a more private, bigger, faster and more empowering format than ever before.