About David A. McIntee: David A. McIntee is a British writer.
Then what do we call you?" another of the heat forms asked. "We are Rutan." "Our species need something a little more particular," the first heat form of the Time Lord said. "I think we’ll call you Fred, for ease of reference.
Brave hea-" The Doctor sighed. "Chin up.
Very efficient," a new voice said approvingly. He decided to take it as a sign of approval, anyway. The speaker was a European-looking youth with a slightly haughty air.
The Doctor was strapped to a wide table of some kind, and Turlough immediately started on the straps that held him. "We must stop meeting like this." "Very amusing," the Doctor replied with an irritated look. Sharma made quicker work of them with his...
There's an emergency link to the defence grid, but that's only for use in the direst emergencies." "And of course a mile-long unknown intruder approaching your main source of power isn't an emergency?" Karan hesitated, his chins wobbling slightly wit...
He rolled the boat over to get out from under it, and forced himself to take the steps up to the bridge at a normal pace. He was delighted to see the Doctor, but he wouldn't want the Doctor to think he was incapable of getting on on his own. "Oh, it'...