About Daniele Varè: Daniele Varè is also famous for the Laughing Diplomat (1938) his autobiography as Italian diplomat.
The verb 'to darn' is explained in my pocket dictionary as follows: 'To mend by imitating the texture of the stuff, with thread and needle.' But this definition does not correspond to the work accomplished by good Chinese housewives. When they mend a...
To many people I have no doubt that it appears merely silly. I once found it expressed in a rather amusing way in a Russian Book called , which means the lure of far horizons. The author is Galinischev Kutuzoff [Golenischev-Kutuzov], and he tells of ...
Western funerals: black hearses, and black horses, and fast-fading flowers. Why should black be the colour of death? Why not the colours of a sunset?
I have done the journey between Tientsin and Peking so many times that I recognize even the stray dogs (known locally as ) that frequent the platforms in the hopes of picking up something thrown out from the carriage windows.