We are programmed to succeed from birth but we deprogram ourselves with beliefs
We are programmed to succeed from birth, but we deprogram ourselves with believes
Whatever you wish for your life will be first felt in your heart, the voice of your spirit
Know that your soul can do whatever you want it to do, because you're not your body
devemos encarar o fim dum relacionamento como uma consequência da necessidade de encontrar equilíbrio no nosso sistema de vida
Aquele que nos ama ajudar-nos-á a extrair o que de mal reside em nós, para que possamos abrir espaço ao desenvolvimento do que de mais belo possuímos
Your life must not be different from your dreams. You must live a dream
Whatever you create in your life you must first create in your imagination
Often seems to me that people believe they can become only what they already are, when in fact they are what they've chosen to be, by deliberate decision as well as lack of it
All actions start with emotions and in this principle we find the key to change
Strong emotions create significant changes
To believe that there are difficult or unreachable things, doesn't change the nature of those things, only our position towards them
Life is a mystery unveiled with the conscience of truth