Quotes by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt

About Christopher Lehmann-Haupt:

Christopher Lehmann-Haupt is an American journalist, critic and novelist. He began as an editor for various New York City publishing houses, among them Holt, Rinehart and Winston and The Dial Press. In 1965, he moved to The New York Times Book Review, where he became an editor. In 1969, he was appointed senior Daily Book Reviewer for The New York Times, a position he held until 1995, when he became a regular daily book reviewer. From 1965 until 2000, he wrote more than 4,000 book reviews and articles, on subjects from trout fishing to Persian archaeology. In April 2000, he assumed the job of Chief Obituary Writer for The Times and wrote advance obituaries and occasional daily obits until his retirement on June 30, 2006. Obituaries bearing his byline continued to run in The New York Times as of April 2014.

Author Bio

  • NameChristopher Lehmann-Haupt
  • DescriptionAmerican writer, book reviewer for The New York Times
  • Born1934
  • CountryUnited States Of America
  • ProfessionJournalist; Novelist