Young man, your problem and the reason so many like you fail, is simply because you allow yourself to give up far too early.
Fascinatingly resilient the tenacity of a child. Not yet conditioned by society to give up when instructed to do so.
There can be no success in sales without tenacity.
In short, the difference between you and your doctor is that he has a well-designed reputation and you do not.
If you honestly know how you help people, then you should become passionate about sharing it, spread the good news, give everyone a chance to share in the solutions that you can provide.
From today onward, you will learn how to become evangelical about the many ways you help people.
Trust me. In a very short time, you will become sought out by those in your network. Initially for your sound advice, but soon after as a provider of service. Few people seek advice about a subject that doesn’t require a solution.
This is how you must be. You must become as evangelical about your promised outcome as he is about his. You must believe that you, and you alone, have the solution to your prospects problems. Even if they do not recognise those problems themselves.
You should feel so driven to help the world that it would weigh you down if a single person received anything but the best.
And so it must be with the energy you muster for your own work. Get out there and convert the unconverted. Save them all from the charlatans and the nearly-men.
Understand why you are different and how you help, recognise your target market, and give them something they might not even realise they are missing.
In this world there are those who enjoy giving people balloons and there are those who take great pleasure in popping them. And I wish to be remembered as being firmly in the first party.
I need a first-class reputation
In the past, I have bargained myself away, believing that price was more important than cost, quality, reliability, or reputation. In the past, I was clearly wrong.
The confidence felt, when dealing with genuine reputation, often outweighs the simplicity of price.
Who would be willing to put up with less than the desired result, if they could afford to have it done properly?
How we feel about those we give our business to is of vital importance.
What is the true cost of a purchasing decision that goes wrong?
Falling has become far more terrifying to me than rising.
The only time you have is the where and when of right now. There will always be good times, bad times, hard times, and complete disasters. However, there is no other option but to be where you are, when you are. That is a universal truth for everyone...
You can’t plough a field by turning it over in your mind. Either you get out there and plough it or it doesn’t get done.