Society is a collection of selves perpetuating their myth.
I believe it is the responsibility of each of us to pass on whatever we have learned in our time here. If I reach enlightenment after meditating in a cave for 10 years, but do not pass on this teaching and it dies with me, this was a wasted life. I b...
We must remember that regardless of our differences in rank we are all equal as human beings. You can always tell how caring and compassionate others are in their actions towards those "below" them. Of course you are going to treat your black belt pr...
An intelligent consistency is the foundation of genius.
There is no higher calling than service to your fellow man, and to do so through your own personal mastery of a craft is a gift enjoyed by few. Cultivate this gift, and give it away.
Do not get caught pursuing the goals of who you used to be instead of who you are.
The more specifically you define your goals the more attainable they become.
I would more appropriately define mastery as the technical ability possible within the constraints of your particular existence. It must be noted that this is a subjective definition, and that this degree of mastery would be individual to each of us.
You are never as good as you think you are, and you are never as bad as you believe yourself to be.
Your potential for growth is directly proportionate to the degree to which you are willing to make mistakes.
My growth as a human being has been directly proportional to my growth as a marital artist.
There is an undeniable truth that as one progresses further in his understanding of a craft the rest of his life progresses along with it. This symbiotic relationship between all things is experienced on a daily basis, but rarely articulated through ...
If you are fortunate enough to have a particular activity with which you find greatest joy and technical success, it is your responsibility as a growing human being to continue that study. Whatever your endeavor, if you can expand upon the knowledge ...
I use my understanding of jiu jitsu as a road map to learn other activities. I look for the similarities between the two, and use jiu jitsu as an allegory for whatever my new practice may be. I truly believe once you have learned one thing, you have ...
I train jiu jitsu because I love jiu jitsu. But I also train knowing that my practice in this art will allow me better practice in any art. If you have learned one thing, you have learned all things, because you have learned how to learn. I can think...
Let's live our lives with great meaning and purpose in the attempt to influence the world to whatever degree our circumstance allows.
The major events in our lives receive the entire spotlight, but ultimately your life will be defined by the same handful of choices you make each day.
Jiu Jitsu is the vehicle. Not the road.
You have been blessed to stand on the shoulders of giants. Make sure that someone stands on yours as well. This is the only way of human progress.
As a human being, I know of no greater example of success than someone who is self-sustaining through using his passion in the service of others.
If you do not define success for yourself, you may unknowingly adopt someone else's definition along the way.