Treat your entire audience with the same level of care.
Determining who the members of your audience are is the most important piece in the business puzzle.
People will never respond to you more positively than when you seek to make your impact felt at the human level.
The way you react to challenging situations will say a lot about you. Actually, it will make or break your business.
People do not just buy products. They buy better versions of themselves. And the packages in which they want the products to be delivered must come from humble and approachable brands. People have no patience for fluff.
People do not want more noise in their social media streams. They want entertainment, uplifting conversations, and products that last. Most importantly, they want to be taken seriously.
While paying attention to positive and negative feedback is very important, it is not enough. What also matters is acknowledging and responding to this feedback. This is how you nurture your relationship with your audience.
Social media is much more than self-promotion. It is a two-way street, a set of tools that allow you to reach out to people and become the bringer of positive things and experiences. In turn, these people will not just support you. They will be there...