Quotes by Carolyn Marsden

About Carolyn Marsden:

Carolyn Marsden is an American author. Educated at University of Colorado and Vermont College of Fine Arts, Marsden worked as a bilingual elementary teacher before she became a published author. Marsden has written 14 books for young adults including The Gold-Threaded Dress(2002), Mama Had to Work on Christmas(2003), Silk Umbrellas(2004), Moon Runner (2005), The Quail Club (2006), The Jade Dragon (2006), Bird Springs(2007), When Heaven Fell(2007), The Buddha's Diamonds(2008), Sahwira: An African Friendship(2009), Take Me With You(2010), Starfields(2011), "The White Zone"(2012) and "My Own Revolution"(2012).

Author Bio

  • NameCarolyn Marsden
  • DescriptionAmerican writer
  • BornAugust 14, 1950
  • CountryUnited States Of America
  • ProfessionWriter; Novelist