I am small. So are stars from a distance. It's all a matter of perspective.
It is strange... the reasons one feels he doesn't deserve things.
Memories demand attention, and these memories will have teeth.
Don't try to be brave all at once. Take it in steps.
One can learn from what is not said.
Psychological and emotional wellness is an ongoing process for everyone.
Don't judge yourself by what others did to you.
I don’t mean to take the bow off the end of your rain, but you gotta be smart about your first boyfriend.
There are tons of kids out there who endure chronic abuse and suffer in silence. They can’t trust anyone, they can’t tell anyone, and they have no idea how to get away from it.
Christy isn’t a case, he’s a person.
Because of you, Michael, my heart begins to grow wings.
Poetic license is not a license to scribe recklessly.
The Fiction defense. Sometimes I just need to use it.