In the marathon of life negativity is never as light-footed as a dreamer's sprint.
Proclaim now that you refuse to die without fully living!
You are never more alive than when you are enraptured by pain.
Do not allow the adumbrations of Aristotelian logic to prevent you from seeing a vast spectrum of truths; the post-Boolean continuum of shades of grey where we spend most of our lives.
Loneliness is really a wonderful companion that can show us so much about ourselves and others.
If you have never found yourself, the best place to look is in your loneliness, and rock-bottom is even better.
Once you connect with yourself, it is impossible to be lonely or desperate.
There is more than one way to lose your life; quickly through violence, or fettered-away and wasted around dreadful, toxic people.
Sometimes the pain is a startling breach that hobbles your entire soul; dreadful losses that rupture your perceived reality. Pain so visceral and unrelenting that even death itself can begin to look like a welcomed and kind benefactor.
When you commune with your ever-present inner calm, you are released from the madness and pain of all outer turmoil.
Troublemakers will infect you with the malady of their madness.
The master initiate of any craft appears magical to the uninitiated.
As a powerful creator, your potential success only awaits the genesis of thought.
The life you want is a manifestation of self-realization.
The invitation only world is a manifestation of self-realization.
Individuation is an attainment of spiritual maturity frighteningly seldom attained in today's mono-cultures.
Only in stillness does the imperceivable become discernible
You will only find the profoundly inexpressible in profound silence.
Words are the fallen ruins of silent majesty.
Through TV people turn their family living rooms into meditative dens of death and violence worship.
We are what we think about and meditate on. Look around people! America is a buffet of violence; a total immersion.