When we feel powerless in a hostile world we can at least practice quelling the enmity in our minds.
The earthquake of discomfort you feel moving inside of you when someone insults you is your own insecurity.
Sure. You want to be touched, inspired and made to feel alive. But a relationship is like a bridge where you meet other people half-way. That means if you want to be touched, inspired and made to feel alive, you have to be touching, inspiring and bri...
When you realize that the feeling you have — is — the response you choose, you are free in that moment.
Have you forgotten what it feels like to be alive? The grace of life shining on you; each breath vitalizing you with possibility? Remember!
Life wants you to know that feelings are more important than facts, and you should never hurt someone just to be right.
Don't allow others to make you feel small. You came to this world to grow and to explore and touch the miracles and marvels of life.
When you focus on want, you become an endless cycle of wants. To get, simply release, and then gently invite.
When one learns to focus energy through surrender and sensitivity, they become free, and can access the expansiveness of endless possibility.
When we constantly meditate on another's faults, it is because we are neglecting our own unhealed wounds.
All of history has pointed its refining focus to your life this moment.
When you focus on want, you become an endless cycle of wants.
Hopefully and devoutly focus on your greater possibilities.
Success comes from finding your center and self.
One of the most radical and revolutionary things you can do is grow your own food and eat from the land.
Love foods that sustain and protect you, and love you back.
Simple foods connect with your body's needs in complex ways.
A good place to begin, is to forgive yourself for judging in the first place.
To forgive another person means you have first condemned them. When we condemn others we condemn ourselves.
Forgiveness is about your peace of mind. When you don't forgive, you are the one who suffers.
Forgiveness is another way of saying, "I need to mind my own business.