About Brian Evenson: Brian Evenson is an American academic and writer of both literary fiction and popular fiction, some of the latter being published under B.K. Evenson.
Anything can happen: anything. Or nothing. Who can say? The world, monstrous, is made that way, and in the end consumes us all. Who am I, administrated or no, to have the audacity to survive it?
There is, in every event, whether lived or told, always a hole or a gap, often more than one. If we allow ourselves to get caught in it, we find it opening onto a void that, once we have slipped into it, we can never escape.
Of course there’s another choice, he thought. There is always another choice. I’m just not going to take it.
Curiosity is a terrible thing, he was thinking. How is it possible to stop oneself from needing to know?
I am your friend,” Gous said. “I drank with you, didn’t I?” Kline tried to nod but nothing happened. He could see the wrappings around Gous’ hand staining with blood. “Besides,” said Gous, “friendship is one thing, God another.
I believe the vulpine greed of the corporate world is cut from the very same cloth as the tyrant of history.
These great historical figures we admire for their conquests, their drive, their ambition, and the progress they are said to have been responsible for. But would we have not been better off as a species without them?
...there is something demoniac in human nature that we are unable to stop revering.
But it would be broadcast, and in the great public theatre of his age; that unregulated market of braying narcissists, that Wild West of disinformation and fraud, that infinite sea of piracy, the great electorate where the constituency of billions vo...