Do for the others more than you do for yourself
Eli: I walk by faith, not by sight.
Solara: You know, you say you've been walking for thirty years, right? Eli: Right? Solara: Have you ever thought that maybe you were lost? Eli: Nope. Solara: Well, how do you know that you're walking in the right direction? Eli: I walk by faith, not ...
Solara: I didn't think you'd ever give up the book, I thought it was too important to you Eli: It was, I was carrying and reading it everyday, got so caught up in protecting it, I forgot to live by what I'd learnt from it Solara: And what's that? Eli...
Eli: Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the strength and the conviction to complete the task you entrusted to me. Thank you for guiding me straight and true through the many obstacles in my path. And for keeping me resolute when all around seemed los...
Eli: People had more than they needed. We had no idea what was precious and what wasn't. We threw away things people kill each other for now.
Eli: Write everything exactly as I say it. The first book of Moses, called Genesis. Chapter 1, verse 1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Eli: Verse 2. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of t...