Quotes by Benyamin Cohen

About Benyamin Cohen:

Benyamin Cohen is the author of the memoir My Jesus Year: A Rabbi's Son Wanders the Bible Belt in Search of His Own Faith. Publisher's Weekly named it one of the best books of the year, and Cohen received the Georgia Author of the Year Award. He was the founder and editor of the award-winning national magazine American Jewish Life and the online magazine Jewsweek, and he has written for the Huffington Post, the Daily Beast, the Washington Post, and Slate. Prior to that he edited Torah from Dixie, thoughts on the weekly Bible portion, which was later turned into a book by the same name. He is now the content director for the Mother Nature Network, a science and environmental news website.

Author Bio

  • NameBenyamin Cohen
  • DescriptionAmerican writer
  • Born1975
  • CountryUnited States Of America
  • ProfessionJournalist